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Alice Whieldon

Alice Whieldon completed her Shiatsu training at Shiatsu College in London in 1994. She also has a PhD degree in Philosophy , Religious Studies and Theology.

Alice has been practising Sei-Ki since she first met Akinobu Kishi in 1998 and worked closely with him until his death in 2012. In 2011, she co-authored the book "Sei-Ki: Life in Resonance - The Secret Art of Shiatsu". She is also the author of the book "Mind Clearing- the Key to Mindfulness Mastery" (2016).

Alice practises Sei-Ki and mind clearing in her two practices in London and

Norfolk and teaches both in her international workshops.

Alice Whieldon about Sei-Ki

“When I received my first Sei-ki session, with Kishi Akinobu, in 1998, I instantly knew that this was what I had been searching for. I had heard of Kishi and was already curious about this maverick of Shiatsu, but it was more than that. When he sat down beside me, I immediately felt I was in safe hands. This was a physical experience of being met and seen just the way I was. It felt like the most natural, ordinary thing in the world and yet it was extraordinary.  The consequence of being seen like this was that I could unfurl in the warmth of this regard and be more truly myself; this, I understood, was health. It had the quality of being both deeply personal and absolutely universal; it was true compassion. Since then I have dedicated myself to learning Sei-ki and introducing it to others.” 

Alice Whieldon, January 2024

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