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What is Sei-Ki?

Sei-ki was founded by Akinobu Kishi and is both a further development of Shiatsu and a return to its roots.


It is not so easy to put into words what Sei-Ki is. Everyone would probably describe Sei-Ki differently. That is why I am describing here what Sei-Ki means to me today and what fascinates me so much about it. It may well be that my view of Sei-Ki continues to change.


For me, Sei-Ki is very free and challenging at the same time, as it doesn't work with concepts that I can cling to. It is also honest and authentic for me, as I cannot hide behind a concept or theory.


I touch a person with a genuine interest in truly meeting him or her. There is no other task than to give this person my full presence so that a space can be created through resonance that enables transformation from within. I touch, I listen and marvel, without expectation.

What fascinates me about Sei-Ki

Without knowing what Sei-Ki was and without having read Kishi and Alice's book, I attended my first Sei-Ki course a few years ago and was thrilled. 

Not only did my skin become noticeably smoother during the course and my cheeks turned pink, which lasted for some time after the workshop, but Sei-Ki seemed to set a lot of things in motion for many of the course participants.

They seemed deeply moved and something within them seemed to reorganise itself from the inside. This was despite the fact that from the outside it looked as if only gentle or no touch was being applied during a Sei-Ki treatment, nothing more.


I don't know if you know this, but after giving several shiatsu treatments in a row I often felt tired, no matter how enriching they were. It's different with Sei-Ki. When I give Sei-Ki treatments, it feels as if I am being treated as well. I feel fresh and well afterwards and anything but tired. 


Would you like to find out what fascinates you about Sei-Ki?

The founder of Sei-Ki - Akinobu Kishi (1949-2012) 

Akinubo Kishi was an internationally renowned and recognised master and teacher of Zen Shiatsu. He saw himself not so much as a teacher, but rather as an explorer of people, always curious and full of a thirst for knowledge.

He had been involved in bodywork and other healing methods since his youth. Kishi then trained in Shiatsu with Tokujiro Namikoshi at the Japan Shiatsu College and with Shizuto Masunaga at the Iõkai Centre. He was Masunaga's assistant for 10 years.

After a profound personal experience, he developed his own treatment method, Sei-Ki, as he realised that he was not getting fiurther with Masunaga's Zen Shiatsu. In 1980, Kishi began practising his method and teaching it in Europe. He continued to develop it until his death.

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